Semi-Custom vs. Custom

What are they?

Semi-Custom Invitations

Semi-Custom Invitations are pre-designed invitation templates with established themes and layouts. They provide a foundation that can be personalized to suit individual preferences and wedding details, such as font, font color and wording. Wedding couples can customize them to reflect their style while benefiting from the convenience and lower cost of a pre-designed theme.

What are semi-custom invitations

Custom Designed Invitations

Custom Designed Invitations are entirely tailored to the unique vision of the wedding couple. Unlike Semi-Custom invitations, custom invitations involve starting from scratch and working with us to create a one-of-a-kind design that perfectly matches with the couple's wedding theme, style and preferences.

Why choose custom designed invitations
What are custom designed invitations

The level of personalization often includes exclusive illustrations, intricate details and premium finishes, allowing for a truly distinctive and luxurious invitation suite. Custom invitations offer the highest degree of creative freedom.

Which one is the right one for you?

There is no right or wrong - it's all about personal preference and what feels right for you.

Design semi-custom invitations vs custom invitations



Choose from a curated collection of pre-designed themes that serve as a starting point for personalization.


Enjoy complete creative freedom with fully customized invitations, allowing you to shape every detail according to your unique vision.

Personalization semi-custom invitations vs custom invitations

Level of Personalization


Customize specific elements such as colors, fonts, and wording to tailor the pre-designed invitation to your preferences and wedding details.


Access a premium level of personalization, including bespoke designs, unique illustrations, and specialized finishes for a truly one-of-a-kind invitation suite.

Pros and cons semi-custom invitations vs custom invitations

Luxury Add-ons and Finishes


Offers standard customization options at an accessible price point, providing a balance between personalization and affordability.


Elevate your invitations with premium add-ons and luxurious finishes, such as foil stamping, letterpress, or specialty paper, for an exquisite and high-end presentation.

Consultation Free Semi-custom vs custom invitations

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